Sunday, January 14, 2007

DD's Introduction


My name is D.D. (or that's how I'd like to be called :-)). I'm a simple girl who lives in the simple universe and decided to reside (currently) at Singapore (a FINE city).

Though I'm not a big fan of traveling, partly waiting for my Big Daddy up there to increase my pocket money, but after my most recent trip to Macau, I enjoy every moment of it and hope to share with all of you what I have discovered through my humble eyes and experiences. Do pardon some of the photos taken as it's not up to certain standard. I am not a professional photographer and my camera can be quite nasty especially during night time. :( (Big
Daddy, I want new camera!!)

I hope you will enjoy my sharing and findings.

Have a great life, everyone.



Image taken on the 7th of January 2007 opposite the Macau General Post Office at 126 Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro. For more information of Macau postal services, please click here.

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